About Our Company

Who We Are

PT SARANA INTI INDOTAMA is an industrial raw material supplier company that was established in Tangerang since 1997 and transformed at 2007 as a supplier and distributor of food and beverage products until now. PT Sarana Inti Indotama is located at Pergudangan Berlian 88, Blok D17, Jl. Kp. Dukuh Pinang Gawir, Kel, Bojong Nangka, Kec. Kelapa Dua, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten. Our company is registered in the government with NIB No. 9120206892213. We are engaged in food and beverage products under the TOFICO brand. TOFICO products come in a variety of flavors, including syrups and powdered drinks. The products we distribute include all variants and types of drinks such as Syrup, Powder Puree, Concentrate, Topping Sauce Pudding, Jelly, Cooking Sauce, and Coffee.


Why Choose Us
Best Quality
Rich Taste
Organic Inggrediens


Become a leading and growing distribution company by prioritizing the highest quality of service to all our customers and business partners, reaching out globally, and improving the economy and well-being of the wider community.


• Distribute the highest quality food and groceries.

• Maintain, supervise, and ensure the product arrives in good condition during distribution.

• Provide services, training, up-to-date product information, and product application development facilities and establish close and mutually beneficial relationships with all business partners.

• Provide the best service supported by a reliable and trained workforce with ethics, and courtesy by cultivating responsibility and care.

• Build the widest possible supply network throughout the world.

• Build relationships with the food industry by collaborating with good quality and halal business partners in Indonesia

• Invite farmers and ranchers in Indonesia to work together to bring benefits and interest to the community for the greater good.

•Always strengthen and develop the Company by continuing to follow and implement rapid and appropriate developments in technology, information and systems, as well as supporting resources and preserving nature.